讲座通知:Digitisation, Fluidity and Adaption – Implications of Change in Media and Creative Industries


讲座名称Digitisation, Fluidity and Adaption – Implications of Change in Media and Creative Industries
讲座人:澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学Paul Makeham教授及创意产业学院Cherie Huang老师
讲座安排:Paul Makeham教授会用45-60分钟进行讲座,然后Cherie老师会用20-30分钟时间介绍澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学创意产业学院与必赢bwin线路检测中心双学位合作项目,包括相关课程信息、语言水平要求等。


Paul Makeham教授简介:

Professor Paul Makeham is Head of the School of Media, Entertainment and Creative
Arts in the Creative Industries Faculty at QUT. He has previously been Head of Drama,
and from 2002 to 2006, was Course Coordinator of the Bachelor of Creative Industries,
the world’s first Bachelor program of its type.

His PhD study of discourses of landscape in Australian drama was completed at the
University of Newcastle, Australia, in 1996. He publishes internationally on a range
of theatre and performance-related topics, and is Chair of the Board of La Boite Theatre. Paul is also
a past President of ADSA, the Australasian Association for Theatre,
Drama and Performance Studies. For eight years (2004-2011), he was a Chief Investigator on the ARC-funded AusStage project.

Paul has an extensive record as a producer, writer, presenter and performer.
He leads a range of commercial consultancies which incorporate Applied
Theatre techniques. Typically this work has a training and professional
development focus, and it implements an original Applied Theatre model
termed a ‘Prophetical’. Commissioning clients include Queensland Health,
the Queensland Government, the former Carrick Institute, and numerous
clients within QUT and externally.