




三、主讲人:原路透社资深记者 Jim  Wolf




七、新闻写作工作坊:Workshop on polishing your writing: 10 tips for making your copy snap, crackle and pop


  As a career journalist, Jim Wolf has reported major stories from more than 20 countries over 40 years -- based by turns in New York, Paris, Bangkok and Washington for AP-Dow Jones, Agence-France Presse, Jane's Defence Weekly and Reuters. He also has written for many other leading news outlets, including Time, Newsweek, South China Morning Post and the Financial Times. As a Washington correspondent for Reuters for 26 years, he focused on East Asian security issues, including the U.S.-China-Taiwan tangle, as well as on U.S. intelligence agencies, nuclear proliferation, terrorism and high technology. Wolf has specialized in the crossroads of government, military and business.

  Ahead of the year 2000, he led Reuters' coverage of international, diplomatic and technical aspects of a feared 'Y2K' computer millennium-rollover glitch. He served as Reuters' chief representative on the Pentagon's rotating National Media Pool and travelled to Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Turkey on the U.S. Defense Secretary's 'Doomsday' plane, as well as on Air Force One with U.S. presidents.

  After Reuters, he became a consultant on national security news to the Washington bureau of Japan's NHK public broadcaster and a correspondent for News-Decoder, a start-up aimed at fostering understanding of big events among students worldwide. Jim Wolf is a visiting professor in the School of Journalism & Communication at Shanghai International Studies University.