第一届卓越国际新闻传播精英工作坊暨新闻传播教师发展论坛第八讲:财经报道Business Reporting


一、时间:2015年11月27日(周五)14:00 - 15:30


三、主讲人:Sheridan Prasso




七、讲座内容: 财经报道Business Reporting


  Sheridan Prasso is an award-winning writer, editor, and Asia specialist. She writes about global issues from cultural and business perspectives—with topics ranging from garment workers and travel destinations to chief executives, finance and investing. Her assignments have taken her across Asia and around the world, and her articles have appeared in The New Yorker, The New Republic, The New York Times, Travel + Leisure, and The World Policy Journal, among other publications. Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post has called her "the new face of the old Asia hand."
  Sheridan is currently based in Hong Kong as an Editor-at-Large for Bloomberg News. Previously, she spent seven years as a writer and editor for FORTUNE in New York, and eight years with BusinessWeek as its New York-based Asia Editor and Senior News Editor. She served as Cambodia Bureau Chief for Agence France-Presse in the early 1990s, setting up the first permanent Western news bureau to reopen in Phnom Penh since 1975, and worked for AFP in Hong Kong, Paris, and the United Nations as an editor and correspondent. She started her career with The Associated Press, in Washington, D.C., Chicago, and New York.
  Her book, The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls & Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient, published by PublicAffairs, received wide acclaim and climbed several best-seller lists.