

王天娇,副教授,香港城市大学传播学博士,云山青年学者。必赢bwin线路检测中心网络与新媒体专业教师,硕士生导师。已发表中英文论文10余篇,成果见于Telematics and Informatics, International Journal of Communication、Aslib Journal of Information Management等SSCI和SCI期刊,以及《国际新闻界》《新闻大学》等中文核心期刊。曾获国际中华传播学会(CCA)杰出博士论文奖(Outstanding Dissertation Award)(2017年)、中国社会科必赢3003no1线路检测中心与传播研究所颁授的全国新闻传播学优秀论文奖(2016年)。2019年秋加入必赢bwin线路检测中心。现承担多个本科课程的教学工作;主持1项国家社科基金,同时兼任多个SSCI期刊的外审专家。








Wang, T. & Yu, W. (2022). Alternative sources use and misinformation exposure and susceptibility: The curvilinear moderation effects of socioeconomic status. Telematics and Informatics. 70(2):10819. doi: 10.1016/j.tele.2022.101819 [SSCI]

Feng, X., Wang, X., & Wang, T. (2021). Recurrence quantification analysis of Q&A behavior from the perspective of explicit and tacit knowledge – An empirical study based on Zhihu’s hashtags. Aslib Journal of Information Management. doi:10.1108/AJIM-04-2021-0122 . [SCI & SSCI,通讯作者]

Shen, F. & Wang, T. (2021) Grumpy consumers, good citizens? Exploring the relationship between internet use, online consumer behavior, and civic participation in China. International Journal of Communication, 15, 862-885. [SSCI,通讯作者]

瀚水、郎立娜、王天娇、冯鑫、孙黎明 (2021). 基于元胞自动机的知识传播互动机制研究——以泛在学习社区知乎为例,情报探索,281(3),11-17.

王天娇 (2020) “新媒体使用”概念的有效性——从媒介使用和媒介效果看网络信息渠道的异质性,《国际新闻界》, 42(1), 119-135。[CSSCI,封面推荐]

王天娇 (2020) 论数据新闻产制流程中的不确定性,《中国网络传播研究》,16,3-23. [CSSCI集刊,封面推荐]

Wang, T. & Shen, F. (2018). Perceived party polarization, news attentiveness, and political participation: A mediated moderation model. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(6), 620-637. [SSCI]

Wang, T. & Shen, F. (2017). The impact of online grassroots criticism on citizen satisfaction with government: An inconsistent mediation model. International Journal of Communication, 11(1), 113-136. [SSCI]

Dong, D, Chang, H & Wang, T. (2016). The CSR green halo effect on the corporate-public communication: An experimental study. Asian Journal of Communication, 11, 1-18. [SSCI]

沈菲、王天娇 (2016) 大数据语境中的民意:研究路径与趋势(上),《教育传媒研究》, 2, 33-35.

沈菲、王天娇 (2016) 大数据语境中的民意:研究路径与趋势(下),《教育传媒研究》, 3, 77-83.

Shen, F. & Wang, T. (2015). Does perceived incongruence in opinion climate influence the degree of outspokenness? Evidence from two national events in China. Chinese Journal of Communication, 8(3), 253-271. [SSCI]

沈菲、陆晔、王天娇、张志安 (2014) 新媒介环境下的中国受众分类:基于2010全国受众调查的实证研究,《新闻大学》, 3, 100-107。[CSSCI]

王天娇 (2011) 社会临场理论的三个内生性问题,《国际新闻界》, 6, 46-51。[CSSCI]

雷蔚真、王天娇 (2009) 移动视频与空间流动化——简论收视新闻变化及其影响,《国际新闻界》, 8, 86-90。[CSSCI]

雷蔚真、王天娇 (2009) 新媒体与散居者的身份建构,《当代传播》, 6, 72-77。[CSSCI]

雷蔚真、王天娇 (2008) 新媒体在重大突发性灾害事件中的应用——以汶川地震中的信息需求与运用为例,《国际新闻界》, 6, 39-44。[CSSCI]


主持:网络公共表达中的反语修辞及其政治传播效果研究 [国家社科基金后期一般项目,25万,在研]。

参与:1. 基于实时文本挖掘的大数据舆情监测系统 [香港,112万港币,在研];2. 重访媒介信任:基于理智与情感的二元模型 [香港,57万港币,结项];3. 大规模开放在线课程的社会网络和社区研究 [教育部,8万,结项]


王天娇、夏川理、吴怿、沈菲(2018)《国家好感度、经济感知与文化态度:2012-2015年中国网民与非网民比较》, 载于《互联网与国家治理发展报告(2017)》,第121-141,社会科学文献出版社。



王天娇 (2019) 算法时代数据新闻人如何提高科学素养?——谈数据和算法中的风险, 2019年计算传播学会学术年会(CCRA2019),广州.

Wang, T. & Shen, F. (2017) Civil associations, partisan strength, perceived support and time of voting decision. Paper Presented at the 70th Annual Conference of World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Lisbon, Portugal.

Wang, T. & Shen, F. (2017). Link party polarization to voter turnout: A moderated mediation model. Paper Presented at the 67th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.

Wang, T. (2016). Online grassroots political satire and political self-efficacy in China. Paper Presented at the 66th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.

Wang, T. & Shen, F. (2015). “Safety valve” effect: Grassroots criticism, perceived freedom of expression, and citizen satisfaction in China. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), Puerto Rico, USA.

Shen, F., Wang, T. & Lu, Y. (2014). Who participates in elections in China? Examining the relationship between political value orientation and political participation. Paper Presented at the 64th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.

Wang, T. (2014). Opinion expression in dual media space in mainland China: A case study of Asian Games in Guangzhou. Paper presented at the International Conference on Media Impact & Public Opinion Representation, Taipei.

Wang, T. (2013). Examining the relationship between perceived opinion climate incongruence and willingness to express one’s true thoughts: A survey study from China. Paper presented at the 63th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK.

Shen, F., Wang, T. & Tu, J. (2012). The use of web-based survey in communication and public opinion research: Trends, features, and issues. Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Hong Kong, China.

Wang, T. (2010). Media use behavior and mobile communication: A four-dimensional perspective. Paper Presented at Asian Media Communication in the Age of Globalization, Hong Kong, China.

Lei, W. & Wang, T. (2010). Political deliberation in three regions on the internet: Folk discourse in Chinese new media context. Paper Presented at 60th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore.








